Monday 24 October 2016

Week 6 round up

Well the couch to 5K groups have just completed week six of the program and things are looking good. Everyone is progressing really well and it is lovely to see the smiles of achievement and the end of the session.


The Saturday group is now approaching the point where we will be doing the full two lap course. Therefore it is time for you all to sign up, if you haven't already.
parkrun is international and free to all, you just need to create an athlete account and print your barcode. It's easy to do.
With your barcode you will be able to get a time for the 5K (we'll be doing run/walk but it still counts!).

Just visit the parkrun registration page to get yourself your athlete barcode -

Don't forget to check out the Abingdon parkrun photos page. You might find yourself in there somewhere.

Advice and guidance for new runners

I have collected together a few links to online help for runners, especially one's just getting started. The websites cover things such as injury prevention advice, strength training and stretching.

Don't forget you will also find info on the Abingdon Athletics Club website.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next session, providing I can still walk after Sunday's marathon!