Friday 27 February 2015

C25K week 6 round up

Mud mud mud mud mud mud

Let's talk about mud. Love it or hate it we've certainly had our share of it!
It makes even the short intervals of running feel harder than they have any right to be. Then there's the washing! It gets everywhere, "how did I get mud on my chin?!"

And those lovely new, shiny running shoes will never really be clean again.

Next time you're struggling through deep mud cursing under your breath about how hard it is, try to look at the positives. The extra muscles you are using to keep you upright are making you stronger and improving your balance. It's not just your calves and quadriceps that are getting a workout but also those smaller muscles in your feet and legs. Off road running brings challenges that will make you a better, stronger runner.

The best thing is though, that when it eventually does dry up, you are going to fly along!

So learn to love the mud, and remember that some people pay a lot of money to do this, you're getting it for free!

Get stretched

Now that you are increasing the distance you are running it is even more important to do your stretching. You should to try to make it part of your routine.

We are separating more each session where some of you speedy people are able to cover more distance during the run intervals. So if you get to the finish everyone has finished, gather in our usual stop and start your stretching. You can do it in a group to help each other remember all the different stretches.

Here is a reminder of at least some of the stretches we do:

Or if you want a few new ones:

Session 6

What we did:

5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
(run 7 minutes + walk 3 minutes) x 2 + run 5 minutes (25 minutes)

Session 7

Next session we will be doing:

5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
(run 9 minutes + walk 2 minutes) x 2 + run 5 minutes (25 minutes)


Don't forget to get a few sessions in during the week. You might even notice how much easier it feels without the mud!


We'll meet again at 8:40 on Saturday. Don't forget to check in with one of us so we can keep a record of who is there for each session.

Friday 20 February 2015

C25K week 5 round up

Running is hard

I know, right? You probably don't need me to tell you that. I imagine that the increase in minutes of running over the last few weeks has brought that crashing home.

Yes running is hard, but it wouldn't be worth doing if it was easy. Sitting on the sofa watching TV is easy, lying in bed for an extra hour on a Saturday morning is easy, getting in the car to go to the supermarket is easy. But these things all lack something that running brings. A sense of achievement, an increased level of fitness and best of all, a rush of endorphins!

OK so you might not be quite at the 'rush' stage yet, but I'll bet you are feeling an lift in mood after a run. That's because, for all the benefits of running there are for your body, the benefits for your mind are tenfold.

Running (physical activity), is increasingly being 'prescribed' for improving mental well-being or even depression, and for good reason. All those lovely chemicals that are released when you run. The release in tension, or sometimes simply having a bit of time to yourself. These things are as important as lowering your blood pressure or dropping a few pounds off your waistline, and are not to be underestimated.

So welcome to the club of doing something that is hard but feeling good about it. Welcome to being a runner!

If the mental health benefits are of particular interest to you, here are a few links that you might find useful:


I do hope you are continuing to enjoy our course. You are certainly progressing brilliantly.

Some of you were able to complete your first parkrun last week and others not but that's fine. It will come. The point is that you all ran more than ever before!

Caroline will be at the helm for the next session as I'm off to the inaugural Didcot parkrun to see if I can snag myself a PB!

Session 5

What we did:

  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
  • (run 5 minutes + walk 3 minutes) x 2 + run 7 minutes (23 minutes)

Session 6

Next session we will be doing:

  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
  • (run 7 minutes + walk 3 minutes) x 2 + run 5 minutes (25 minutes)


Don't forget to get a few sessions in during the week. Think of it as an opportunity to get out of the house and away from the kids/parents!


We'll meet again at 8:40 on Saturday. Don't forget to check in with one of us so we can keep a record of who is there for each session.

Friday 13 February 2015

C25K week 4 round up

So we made it to week 4! The most challenging run session so far. Everyone did really well with the longer run intervals. Some of you really surprised yourselves I think!

Drills or no drills? That is the question.

We didn't do any drills this week because of the jump up in effort and we'll probably not do them for the next few weeks. However, I'm planning to add another set to a future session so I'd be interested to know how you feel about them.

Do you love those high knees and can't wait to do them again, or hate them and hope they are never spoken of again? Or, most likely, hate them but realise that the benefits of doing a good warm up before running outweigh the momentary discomfort.

Whatever your feelings, let me know in the comments below.


You will be challenged again this week as we join parkrun proper for the first time. If you haven't done so already you'll need to register here:, print your barcode and bring it with you on Saturday.

parkrun operates a strict NBNT (no barcode, no time) policy. So DFYB (don't forget your barcode!).
Of course you can ALWAYS (always) run parkrun without a barcode, you just won't get a time result, and where's the fun in that!?

Session 4

Just as a reminder here is what we did:

  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
  • (Run 3 minutes + walk 90s) + (run 5 minutes + walk 2 minutes) x2 (23 minutes)

Session 5

Next session we will be doing:
  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
  • (run 5 minutes + walk 3 minutes) x 2 + run 7 minutes (23 minutes)


So how are you finding the homework? Are you finding it difficult to get yourself out the door to run on your own, or are you just raring to go? Do you drag someone along with you for company?

It's always easier get motivated when someone is there with you. Simply making an arrangement with a friend to meet and run will help because you don't want to let them down by not going, (and they are thinking the same).

Try to vary your route to keep things fresh. Try different surfaces too. A park path one day and then pavement another day. This doesn't just help keep you motivated, but changing up the surface you run on is good for your body too.

As always, try to enjoy it!


We'll meet again at 8:40 on Saturday. Don't forget to check in with one of us so we can keep a record of who is there for each session.

Thursday 5 February 2015

C25K week 3 round up

I hope you continued to enjoy your training. It was fantastic to see you all doing the drills with such enthusiasm. I was very impressed!

It was another cold day, and the snow came as a bit of a surprise to me, but it didn't stop us from striding out across the meadow.

I hope you found the whistle for change overs from run to walk a bit easier this week. It seemed to work, so we'll continue to do it that way. We are quite strung out at times and it is difficult to make sure that everyone can hear.

There were some more challenging run sections in this session but you all did great.

Session 3

Just as a reminder here is what we did:

  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms (10s High knees and 10s butt kicks).
  • (2 minutes running + 90s walk) + (3 minutes running + 3 minutes walking) x 2 (19 minutes)

Session 4

Next week will be doing:
  • 5 minute brisk walking with swinging arms
  • (Run 3 minutes + walk 90s) + (run 5 minutes + walk 2 minutes) x2 (23 minutes)


Hopefully you have been able to get out during the week to do some sessions in your own time. It's these extra sessions that will help you to get the most from this programme.


If you are out during the evenings, don't forget to be safe.
I'm always surprised by how many runners go out all in black. There is a time and a place for the ninja look but night running isn't it!

It is really important that you can be seen by drivers, cyclists and other pedestrians. Wear high visibility clothing with reflective material. A head torch is great for lighting your way on bumpy pavements.

If you are going out on your own, let someone know you are going, where you will be and when you expect to be back. Take a phone if you can.

I wouldn't advise wearing headphones at night, so that you can be more aware of what is going on around you.

But most of all enjoy it! Running at night is fantastic fun, make the most of it!


We'll meet again at 8:40 on Saturday. Don't forget to check in with one of us so we can keep a record of who is there for each session.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!